China Around, IP Focused



SBZL Patent Attorneys Ranked with Three-star


On March 26 of 2016, 2015 Annual Selection hosted by China Intellectual Property News was held at Beijing.

According to the selection results, among thousands of IP firms, 9 firms were ranked as the "four-star" patent agency. 41, 50 and 67 IP firms were ranked as "three- star", "two-star" and "one-star" patent agency, respectively.

Also, among ten thousand of chatered Chinese patent attorneys, 12 attorneys were ranked as the "four-star" patent attorney while 93, 119 and 169 people were ranked "three-star", "two-star" and "one-star" patent attorney, respectively.

Three senior attoneys from Intelightip, Mr. Ting Fang, Mr. Qiang Ge and Mr. Zhibo Gao were appraised proudly as "three-star" patent attorney. Intelightip IP LAW FIRM was also elected as a "one-star" IP Agency.
