On November 30th of 2016, a patent infringement disputes handling and dealing practice training course was opened in Qiushi Building of Municipal Committee Party School of Zhongshan City, Guangzhou Province.
This training course was hosted by Intelightip IP LAW (Zhongshan) Office with a help from the Intellectual Property Office of Zhongshan City.
More than 70 representatives from local enterprises, economy and science and technology promotion and information offices from various towns and districts attended the course.
Mr. Zhibo GAO, the founder and senior partner of Intelightip IP Law Firm, was invited as a unique lecturer to give a speech on patent infringement topics. Mr. Gao is one of China three-star rating patent attorneys of 2016 and also invited specially as a lecturer for intellectual property direction of Law School of China Jiliang University.
Mr. Gao is richly experienced in handling of patent infringement disputes. He handled a large number of patent protection cases and some cases he handled were ranked as top 10 nationwide patent cases in 2014, top 10 cases of Zhejiang courts in 2015 and top 10 cases of national courts in 2015.
During the course, Mr. Gao sufficiently explained the procedures for enterprises on how to deal with patent infringement disputes and the solutions for the alleged infringers to deal with patent infringement disputes by combining theories and cases during the training. The trainees positively participated in discussions and interactions during the training in a warm atmosphere and got good training effects.
Also, in this training course, the authoritative expert, Mr. Gao, shared prospective opinions with the representatives. The enterprises can be benefited to establish patent infringement disputes handling and dealing measures and solutions and improve the intellectual disputes dealing capability to smooth the intellectual property protection work.